Tango: New Phone for a New View

Mobile phones have come a lot way in the few years they have been available. We all remember how amazed we were when the first mobile phone came out, then we got color screens, flip phones, touch screens, and so much more. However, even though technology has been moving forward at such a rapid rate, our devices still can’t understand physical space.
For example, your phone cannot measure your room so you can go out and measure where things will fit. Your device can simply only tell where you are in the world or navigate from one side of the country to another.
Tango has been working on just that, which will take the mobile world to a whole new level once again. They have been working closely with Lenovo to bring these features to life, which are now being launched with the PHAB2 Pro.
Tango works with some of the leading developers in the world that uses overlapping software and apps. The latest creation allows you to take advantage of the hardware and apps. This will enable users to make use of overlapping by scanning items and viewing them in a virtual manner. This means the items you’ve captured appear in 3D according to scale and can be used to measure against others for a perfect match.
Using the bed as an example, you will be able to use the software to measure your room and the amount of space available. You can them head over to the store and scan a bed to see if it will fit in your available space.
The app is also fantastic to use in a virtual manner for gaming. For example, we all like the idea of lining up dominos and watching as our perfect measurements all work together and make the map created fall apart as the dominos fall. The app will let you do this on your device, meaning you can place the dominos wherever you want them and tip them over when you are ready to get things going.
As you can imagine, the app has many other used and can be developed in many different ways to make it more usable in both a fun and professional way.