
Wind Up Robots – 0.99 (Soma Games)

As I said in our review for the Bulkypix title, Funny Hell, base defense games have gained quite a bit of fans in the AppStore. The iDevice is a prefect platform for the genre, and almost all of them do well in the AppStore, because the genre has such a dedicated following. However, it’s hard to find one that brings something new and original to the table. Here’s where Soma Games (developers of Bok Choy Boy and a favorite of mine, G: Into The Rain) picks up at with their release of Wind Up Robots, a base defense game with a fantastic story, loads of polish, an awesome upgrade system, and great gameplay. You’ll control various robots that have been built by Jack, the grandfather of a young boy named Zach. These robots are used to vanquish the darkness that dwells within the world. You’ll use them to guard Zach of the evil that’s trying to get at him while he sleeps.

In order to do this, you’ll need to equip your robot box with the robots that you want to use for the stage. As you progress through the game, more robots are added to your arsenal. Once you have your set-up, and start the level, each of the robots are shown at the bottom of the screen. To select them, all you need to do is tap on them, and then tap on where you want them to go on the bed where Zach’s sleeping. While you do this, evil creatures will start spawning at the end of the bed, and will be making their way towards you. If you end up placing your robots on the edges of the bed, you might just miss the evil creatures walking in the middle, so it’s best to have them placed more towards the head of the bed, at least at first. With this lay-out, you risk not being able to defeat the creatures before they run into Zach’s head, taking away his “Z’s”. So in the beginning of the game, there is quite a bit of risk/reward, and strategy in where you place your robots. After a couple levels, you can start using the shop to upgrade your robots with the coins that are picked up as you defeat enemies in-game. Here, you can increase their attack, defense, speed, and more, making it easier to place them in various places around the bed, not needing to risk them passing you and running directly into Zach. The money you collect, as well as the upgrades you purchase also carry over to a new game, which is awesome. If the game becomes too difficult, starting over can drastically decrease the challenge depending on how upgraded your robots are. This comes in handy, especially when younger kids are playing.
On top of the Story Mode, there is also a Quick Play Mode, in which you’re able to play through each of the levels which you’ve already been to in the Story Mode, as well as a Survival Level for each of the 4 rooms that you’ll be playing in. This helps bring the replay value up significantly.
The graphics and animations in Wind Up Robots are incredibly well done. They create an atmosphere that totally immerses gamers in to the gameplay. Considering the monsters only come out at night, you will be playing in dark rooms throughout the game, but because of this, the robots bight colors, and the light given off by them while taking care of the creatures, really stands out in a fantastic way. It’s not so dark that you are unable to see the objects found throughout the rooms, which is great, because they really give you the feeling that this is a house with a young boy living in it. Really, the game’s graphics and animations remind me of Disney movies, Toy Story in particular. The music is also a great addition to the atmosphere of the game, bringing the entire gameplay experience around, full-circle, making it an incredibly smooth, polished, fun game to get yourself wrapped up in.
For $0.99, and the game being Universal, it’s a fantastic buy. GameCenter is included, with 4 leaderboards for the Quick Play Survival Levels, adding even more replay value to the game. There are also 22 achievements to try and unlock, which also throws quite a bit of replay value at ya. The gameplay is suited for both adults, and kids, though it can get pretty challenging, which is where the carried over upgrades comes into play. If you’re a fan of base-defense games, and are looking for something new and original, Wind Up Robots is a perfect title to pick up. Soma Games has done an incredibly good job, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us in the future, both with updates for Wind Up Robots, and for future games they might end up releasing!

Space Tripper goes on sale for $0.99!

After 3 and a half years, and a crazy amount of work, effort and dedication that very few of us will ever experience, PomPom and TrueAxis gave iOS gamers one of the most amazing titles to ever hit the AppStore. Ever. Space Tripper is an arena based shooter with 4 levels of difficulty across 14 levels. There’s also endless Score Attack and Challenge Modes, with each of the 14 levels available for the Score Attack Mode, and 4 different Challenges. After playing pretty much nothing but Space Tripper for weeks after getting it, it climbed the charts of my own personal favorites list, clawing and scratching it’s way to the top, eventually finding the #1 spot on my ‘Best of 2011’ list, and shortly after, winding up as my #1 favorite iOS game EVER.
If you haven’t checked out this amazing game yet, make sure you grab it, and tell everyone you know about it!! Help get this game the attention it rightfully deserves!

More December Updates, Freebies, and Sales along with news about Wizard Ops!

Alrighty, to start things off today, I got an e-mail from Justin, a developer of Wizard Ops, a 3rd person rail shooter, letting me know about their up-coming update, and it’s a fairly big one.
Version 1.2 will include one new level, “Deep Woods” in which you’ll search and destroy the deadly contraptions created by the factory, three, that’s right, THREE difficulty modes, with Easy being the original difficulty, being able to take 10 hits before you die, and having unlimited respawns. Medium difficulty; you can take 3 hits before you die, and you only get 5 respawns, and Hard difficulty; One shot kills you and you only get 3 respawns. So those of you who thought that Wizard Ops was a bit too easy, get ready to get your bullet dodging game on! There’s also going to be three new leaderboards for each level, split up between the three difficulties. The leaderboards that are already included in Version 1.1 will stay the same, but be renamed “Easy”. They have also included GameCenter Achievements, 10 of them, and have plans on adding more in the future.
They were also kind enough to send over a screenshot of the new level, lookin mighty nice if you ask me;
If you haven’t picked up Wizard Ops yet, we highly recommend that you do. This update is… well… FRIGGIN AWESOME! If you’d like to find out more about the game, you can head over to our review, and see just what the game has in store for you, or you can go head and check out the developer’s website, there’s quite a bit of info and content there, so even if you read our review, you might want to check out the site anyway.
The Version 1.2 update has already been submitted, and is waiting for approval from Apple. We’ll be posting when the update goes live, as usual, so check back, or keep an eye on your update notifications, because it should hit the store soon.
You can download Wizard Ops from the iTunes store by clicking here;


Version 1.2

*A FREE holiday-themed update for all our fans!*

• 5 new levels• A free holiday skin for Chicken Mama• Crates have been replaced by presents• Snow has fallen and covered all the levels• Various level tweaks

Version 1.0.2

Localization for the Appstore description.

Platforms bug fix.New IconTransparent Controles

Version 1.22

Warning: Reports of a “choppy framerate” bug on iPad, especially iPad1. We’ve found the bug and submitted a new update to fix it, but it may take some time to hit the App Store

*** iPad display bugs fixed Universal support for iPad and all iOS devices! Flip Screen option in the Settings menu! The View Map panel in the pause menu how has indicators showing how many notes/books you’ve found in the current level, and whether all monsters have been cleared! Spell changes! Silence has been merged into Time Circle to create a single all-powerful buffing spell, Sword Fury and the elemental summon spells have been improved, and the less useful Lucky and Shield spells have been removed from the random spell drops, though you can still obtain a Shield by collecting hearts or overflowing spells! Several weapons have been given new, upgraded effects and updated description text. Make sure to check them out, some were completely changed. Rabbit’s Foot now increases the hat drop rate by five times. Ring of the Zealot now resurrects you, once, at half health with a Sword Fury buff applied to you. Reviving after being defeated now grants a free spell. Save file! You can export or import your save data (in save.dat) via iTunes File Sharing to copy your unlocked items and experience points to your other devices! This also allows backing up saves to your PC. Many level tweaks! Additional urns added to most levels. Backtrack-blocking doors removed for most levels. Many overly long levels were shortened a bit and/or had more urns added. This should improve the pacing of Story Mode. Various bugfixes, including some achievement bugs and dialog typos.

Version 1.3

bug fix

SpaceShip directional operationlanguage localization: English

Version 1.11

New Christmas land with reindeers and snowmen,

New Christmas hats, New game name

Version 1.02

Major Changes

RAVENMARK is now Universal and will run on the iPad natively! RAVENMARK will now autosave at the start of every Command Phase, and at the start of every dialogue scene. The game will also autosave when you exit from a battle to the Main Menu. The Continue button in the Main Menu will continue the last autosaved game. The speed of the splash animations (during combat) is now adjustable in the Options menu. The splash animations can also be turned off, such that only damage and buff/debuff effects will be denoted after each combat instance.UI Changes When the terrain grid is visible, it will clearly indicate all tiles which the player’s own Elements have been commanded to occupy due to Move and Wheeling commands. When an AI-controlled Formation is selected, a new toggle is now available to switch between either displaying their movement range or displaying their attack range; the attack range will show the maximum threshold for attacking without moving, as well as attacking after a move.Gameplay Changes Players may now give an order to Move an Element or Formation into tiles either already occupied or blocked by their own units.Bug Fixes and Optimizations Fixed an issue where the information panel for AI-controlled units would sometimes not display. Fixed the radial menu scale not being updated properly when centering on a unit from a zoom that is larger than the default. Fixed dialogue errors in the cutscenes for Ravenhood mission 5, and the bug where the characters were assigned incorrect dialogue at the end of Ravenhood mission 6. In Ravenhood missions 4 and 5, certain buildings will no longer be erroneously drawn on top of units at certain locations. More aggressively reduce memory usage and increase FPS across the game.

**We should also mention that Ravenmark’s price will go up with every major content update from here on out. So if you’re interested in the game, now would be the BEST time to snag it!**

Action RPG
[Ian MacLarty]
Casual Arcade
[Telltale Inc]
Action Puzzle Platformer
[Level Eight AB]
Monster Truck Destruction
[Pixel and Texel]
Action RPG
Action RPG
[Livio Morganti]
Casual Arcade/Base Defense
[Warner Bros.]
Casual Puzzler
$4.99 -> $0.99
Action Puzzle Platformer
$2.99 -> 0.99
[Rodeo Games]
Strategy RPG
$4.99 -> $0.99
[Rodeo Games]
Strategy RPG
$6.99 -> $0.99
[Bad Monkee]
$4.99 -> $0.99
[Bad Monkee]
$4.99 -> $0.99

M.U.S.E. Official Trailer Released!

The awesome upcoming arcade-style, third-person shooter by Lab Rats Studio is launching on December 22nd.  If you haven’t checked out our interview with Lab Rats Studio, be sure to check it out here. Ayopa Games, who will be publishing M.U.S.E., has just released a new trailer. Check it out in full HD.

Our full review of M.U.S.E. will be up within days, so make sure to come back and get all the details about this epic shooter. If you want more info, check out Lab Rats Studios site and Ayopa Games site.  Mark December 22nd on your calendars.

Tap the Bomb – 0.99 (Parogames Limited)

Parogames first release, Parodise, a casual arcade slicer with one hell of a story, completely hooked me from the first time I played it. The amount of work that went into the story, as well as the crazy amount of content, different modes, great graphics, polish, and how insanely fun it was to play made me a fan of the developers very quickly. So when I heard about Parogames second release, Tap the Bomb, I was incredibly excited to check it out.

Tap the Bomb is set-up like Fruit Ninja, except with TtB, you’ll need to avoid the fruit, and tap the bombs. Who woulda thunk it, huh? Bombs and fruits are tossed up, down, and in from the sides of the screen, and it’s up to you to destroy all of the bombs. There are great scoring opportunities, with bonuses for critical hits (perfect hits), multi-tapping (tapping on more than one bomb at a time), and chain combos (tapping on a bomb that explodes, hitting another bomb and making it explode as well). With your points, you’re able to buy upgrades from the shop, which, in turn, will help produce higher scores. There’s also achievements that, when completed, you can cash in for more points to spend in the shop.
In the shop, you’re able to increase the amount of points that you’re given for your bonuses, like how many points you’re given on top of your original multi-tap bonus, and so on. There’s also an upgrade for how often rockets fly by on the screen. These rockets cause huge explosions, and if tapped at just the right time, can set off a huge chain combo. The last item in the shop is a health pack, this allows for a one time use health booster, giving you back one of the 3 hearts you’ll start each game with. The prices for items in the shop are not outrageous by any means, and even more surprising; there are NO IAPs. So you won’t have to worry about being nickel and dimed to death just to get on to the GameCenter leaderboards. Speaking of that, there is one GC board, which displays your highest score, along with 11 achievements, all adding to the already high replay value of this high-score based arcade tapper.
Now, with Parogames first title, Parodise, the story was a fairly important aspect of the game, however, here with Tap the Bomb, it’s not so much. There is a ‘Dumpedia’ in the main menu, which gives you the plot of the game, telling you why you’re blowing up these different bombs, background on each of the different bombs, as well as the fruit, the special rocket, and info on some characters from their game, Parodise, and what roll they play in why you’re blowing up bombs. It is a very nice addition to the game, and to the whole original Parodise story, but having a cut-scenes or something like comic strip sequiences after you have a 1,000+ point game, or after maxing out certain upgrades, would have been an awesome addition. I was hoping for more story elements in Tap the Bomb after Parodise had a story for every day that you were there slashing objects, but the lack of it shouldn’t distract from how great this game is.
Also included in Parodise were plenty of different modes that you could unlock while progressing through the game. Sadly, in Tap the Bomb, there is only one mode. This does bring the replay value down a bit, but not too much. Hopefully more gameplay content will be added in future updates. Especially with similar games having 4 or 5 different gameplay modes, it’ll be hard to compete with them, even with the inclusion of a story and ‘Dumpedia’.
The graphics and animations are top-notch, the gameplay is challenging and tons of fun, the store is a great addition, story elements are fantastic, and the scoring system is great. Add on the fact that Tap the Bomb is Universal, and only $0.99, and you’ve got a casual arcade game that’s very easy to recommend. Parogames puts a crazy amount of work and polish into their titles, it’s hard not to want to support them. They listen very carefully to every players comments and impressions, and deserve way more attention than they’ve gotten in the past. Hopefully Tap the Bomb does well in the AppStore, as I’d love to see more games from them in the future.

CheeseMan – 0.99 (Alphanoize Games)

Super Meat Boy has been a pretty big influence on iOS games over the last year or so. Sadly, very few of the titles influenced by SMB really capture the true gameplay and challenge of the original. ChocoRun is actually the only title I can think of that really hit’s the nail on the head. However, the lack of virtual controls puts a lot of people off. Don’t Die and it’s invisible controls didn’t really sit right with gamers, and since virtual buttons were added in the last update, it really shows how funky the physics in the game are. Tobor had the potential to be a decent SMB clone, but sadly, the developers refusing to have any sort of control scheme but tilt put the game straight to the bottom of the SMB clone list. Well now there’s a title that, at first, seems like it might just have the perfect set-up to be the best Super Meat Boy influenced game in the AppStore. Alphanoize Games’ CheeseMan. With its virtual controls, great physics, and some very nice level design, at face value, it stands out quite a bit.

So, first off, the major selling point for Alphanoize is the virtual controls. Left and Right buttons, along with a jump button, and the ability to double and wall jump. This is a highlight, as the controls are fairly tight and precise, except for when you’re in the air, and are trying to slow down or change direction, in which case, you’ll probably end up hitting whatever it is you’re trying to avoid. On the ground however, a slight skid is all you’ll need to get use to when changing directions at your characters top speed. For the level design, the controls work well enough to get through the game without any annoying issues, which is a big plus. The controls in other SMB clones are the cause of many un-necessary deaths, which is a huge issue for them. The physics are, surprisingly fairly good. Your cheese character isn’t floaty, or too heavy, which is very important for platformer games, as you might very well know.
You’ll be able to play with one of two different characters, a male and female. Neither having different abilities, or different types of gameplay, just an option to play with two different characters. In CheeseMan, you’re on a quest to save Cheese Land from Professor Mousky. 39 levels plus 3 boss levels (a total of 42 levels) spread across 3 different environments seems like it’s got enough level content. However, each stage only takes about 10-30 seconds to complete, meaning if you know what you’re doing, the game can be completed in about 10 minutes, maybe 20-30 if you’re trying to get a ‘3 cheese ranking’ in all of the levels. There is also one little white-ish orb hidden in every level, only 2 or 3 are semi-challenging to snag, but once you do grab them, if you die, you re-start the level with the orb, you do not need to grab it again.
This wouldn’t be such a bad thing if the levels were challenging. For those of you who are familiar with Super Meat Boy, or probably the best Super Meat Boy clone in the AppStore, ChocoRun, CheeseMan’s levels will provide only a mild challenge when trying to race through them. In other words, if you’ve beaten SMB, or ChocoRun, CheeseMan will be a piece of cake. That’s not to say that the level design is bad. It’s not, not by any stretch of the imagination. However, more hazards and obstacles would have been great to see added to the game.
For $0.99, it is one of the better Super Meat Boy clones in the AppStore. I’d place it right under ChocoRun actually. Though with Don’t Die and Tobor as it’s competitors, that’s not really saying much. I will add that it’s closer to ChocoRun’s quality than to Don’t Die’s, which does count for something. CheeseMan is supported by GameCenter, but does not have any achievements, which is kind of upsetting, as it’s a game that pretty much writes the achievements itself; Complete World 1, Get 3 Cheese Rankings in Every Level, ect. There is a fogged out ‘World 4’ that is supposed to be coming soon in a future update, hopefully the levels will be more challenging. Actually, it would be great to see a difficulty separation for the game, having all of the levels re-worked, adding more hazards and obstacles to each of them, and keeping the original levels as the ‘Normal’ difficulty, and the re-worked levels as a ‘Hard’ difficulty. As it is right now, it doesn’t really feel like a true Super Meat Boy clone in terms of difficulty. But at its current price-point, and with the lack of SMB type games in the AppStore, if you’re a fan of Super Meat Boy, CheeseMan is a game that’s worth picking up. If you’re worried about the difficulty after trying out ChocoRun, and not being able to get through even half the levels, you can quit worrying. CheeseMan is actually one of the easier platformers available for the iOS, but it does show that Alphanoize knows what it takes to make a polished platformer with nice controls, and physics that work. I’m really looking forward to see where they’ll take CheeseMan in the future, and will be keeping my eyes open for potential future releases.

Eve of the Genesis – 8.99 (Kemco)

With Action RPG’s pretty much dominating the Role Playing charts in iTunes for the last couple years, it’s pretty sad seeing most of them going down the drain. There’s just not much more you can do to make an original Action RPG these days. Thankfully, Turn-Based RPGs are making a huge comeback, with help from two big companies, Square Enix, and Kemco, and the latest addition to the old-school influenced turn-based RPG genre, is Kemco’s Eve of the Genesis.

Now, if you’re familiar with Kemco’s previous iOS releases, Eve of the Genesis is sort of a mixture of Alphadia and Symphony of Eternity. Fantastic story-telling, as well as top-notch translation, completely draws you into the plot, and makes you actually feel, and care for, the characters. The story takes place in the Empire of Gadalia. It’s kind of a matrix type story, with humans battling machines that ruled the empire, but were defeated 2,000 years ago. Now they’re back, and somehow able to travel through space, seemingly appearing anywhere they want to attack. Your characters are on a quest to try and find out how the machines are able to just appear anywhere they want, and eventually find a way to stop them from taking over the empire yet again.
The equip system is pretty basic, giving you 3 slots, one for a weapon, one for armor, and another for one accessory. However, there is a fairly deep skill and orb system that fully makes up for the bland equipping, and then some. Each character is allowed to have 10 different skills from offensive, defensive and healing. These do not increase in skill with your character leveling up, but instead, you will use gems which are collected on your journey, to make your skills stronger. Once you level up an offensive skill with Reinforcing Gems, it will take more and more with each time you level them up. Your defensive skills are leveled up with Diffusing Gems, also requiring more with each level up. There are also elemental skills, which are leveled up with Reinforcing Gems, but can also be changed with Element-changing Gems. This allows for each character to change their element skills based on the types of enemies are in specific areas. You are also able to clone skills, allowing for your character to keep a skill, while still changing it.
There are also orbs which you can use to increase your stats, like evasion, defense, attack, health, sp (magic), agility, and more. These orbs are found scattered throughout the empire, and can also be won in battles, and bought in shops. Once you own one, you can find it in your items section, and immediately use it. As you level up, each of your stats goes up as well, attack, defense, health, ect. On top of this, there are also Ooparts, which once found, offer up various abilities. However, leveling up does not restore health or SP, so if you’re close to death, no matter what, you’ll need to either find an Inn, a blue restoring orb, or use potions to regain your health.
As you explore the empire of Gadalia, you’ll encounter loads of different enemies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Encounters are mostly random, meaning unlike Symphony of Eternity, you can not tell where enemies are on the map, you will just run into them randomly while walking around. There are a few enemies that you will be able to see before hand, but you will not run into these enemies too often. Completing the game does not require too much grinding, in fact, if you plan on exploring every area of the map, dungeons, forests, deserts, mountains, castles, and buildings, no extra grinding should be required. But if you plan on avoiding a lot areas, you can pretty much expect to need to grind, around towns is the best place, as you can head back to town, and stay in an Inn for 20-50 gold, which completely restores all of your characters.
Right now, Eve of the Genesis is having a launching sale of 67% off, reducing the price from $8.99 to $2.99, but with how amazingly well done Kemco’s turn-based RPGs are, $8.99 is a great deal for this game. Yet again, it brings back memories of playing old-school Final Fantasy titles on the Nintendo, and SNES. The very well written story, as well as the fantastic graphics, great animations, and deep gem/orb system, makes for an adventure game that will totally immerse you, making it hard for you to focus on anything else until you complete it. Kemco has done it again, with another flawless release, and after visiting their website, you’ll hope that their other titles, like End of Aspiration, Machine Knight, Kamen Rider Fourze, and more will all be ported to the iOS.

LOADS of December Updates, Freebies, and Sales!


What’s New in Version 2.0?
**Game Center
**Minor Improvements

What New in Version 1.1?
**Four exciting new levels to celebrate Autumn and Holidays!
**Two secret new costumes
**Five exciting new achievements
**Fixed leaderboards total score bug
**Numerous minor bugfixes

What’s New in Version 1.1.0?
**More levels! 12 new levels in the spooky Old Town are now available to purchase. Get your parkour on in a whole new area of the city!
**Power Ups! Sometimes a level is just too darn difficult to finish or get the three star score. We know this and added some new items to the store to help with that. The TRAMPOLINE will advance you to the next checkpoint and the SUPER KICKS instantly put you at a 4X score multiplier for as long as you can maintain it. There’s even a combo pack so you can get both. Try it out to kick even more zombie butt!
**We also squashed some bugs and did other enhancements so Zombie Parkour Runner plays better than ever.

What’s New in Version 1.1.0?
**Unlockable Characters
**Unlockable Powerups
**More Levels

What’s New in Version 1.1?

**Optimized code which should fix devices experiencing crashing (please note that closing all running apps and restarting your device is recommended)
**AI has been significantly improved across the board
**Improved menu loading speed when finishing race
**Fixed wheel orientation issues
**Fixed double digit lap counter
**Fixed car shadow ground alignment and optimized shadow performance
**Fixed ‘Racing’ car’s Nitro indicator (now reporting correctly)
**Fixed potential fringe case where Career Cash could be lost after crash
**Player name now correctly taken from GameCenter when logged in
**Fixed potential crash on Bluetooth Multiplayer
**Fixed several achievements
**Added achievement notifications for devices running iOS5 or higher
**Now correctly reporting best lap times for AI cars
**Added additional save checks for iCloud support
**Tweaked physics and re-spawn time on bumpy tracks
**Various other UI fixes

New features/content

**Added new 4WD vehicle
**Added ‘Race Again’ option to multiplayer (more additions coming in future updates)
**Paint toggle added to QuickPlay Mode
**Added snow trials for winter tracks
**Added new collision particle effects for iPhone 4S

What’s New in Version 1.2?
**Now supports achievements with GameCenter
[CatfishBlues Games]
[Eligo Games]
Side-Scrolling Moto-Racer
Arcade-Shmup/Bullet Hell
[Productions Multimage Inc.]
[Demonual Studios]
Endless One-Touch Platformer
Endless One-Touch Platformer
[Crescent Moon Games]
Adventure Platformer
[10tons LTD]
[Krivorukoff LLP]
Climbing Racer
Arcade Brick Breaker
[Electronic Arts]
Line-Drawing Puzzler
[Kairosoft Co., LTD]
[10tons LTD]
Physics-Based Puzzle Platformer
[Evelyn Labs]
Tower Defense
Children-Young Kids/Adventure

Space Frontier Price Drop from $3.99 down to $0.99 – 12-14 (Wednesday)

Digitalfrog’s sci-fi simulation adventure game, Space Frontier is dropping in price tomorrow from $3.99 down to $0.99! This Universal space sim is one of the best, if not the best sci-fi simulation title available in the AppStore. Top-notch graphics, animations, music, sounds, controls, and gameplay all come together perfectly to create an experience great for new comers as well as hardcore fans of the genre.

Space Frontier features;

*More than twenty unique building types

*Countless tasks and objectives to complete to keep your colonies going strong

*Thirty planets, each with their own mysteries
*Forty goal-oriented stages to put your skills to the test
*A huge variety of futuristic technology at your disposal
*Numerous quests and original challenges
*Story-line driven, cinematic soundtrack, and engaging graphics

Space Frontier is one of few titles that has received a 5 out of 5 star rating in our reviews here on The App Shack, if you’re curious to read more about what this Digitalfrog title is about, feel free to check out our review, and see if it’s something that’s up your ally. But really, for a buck, it’s gonna be one steal of a game that will most likely end up taking all of your free-time away from you.

‘Boxcat Review’- Need I Say More?

Cats are the holy grail of Internet memes. But what if you combined those adorable creatures with a box? That is clearly a question the developers of Boxcat thought about when they created this amazing game.
Your goal in Boxcat is to create as much havoc as you possibly can. You run back and forth across a busy suburban street running into cars and creating mayhem. The only controls you need to worry about are two arrow buttons on the left and right side of your screen. Birds carrying coins come flying from the side of the screen as well and if you catch them you get the coin they were carrying. These coins can have varying effects like giving you more time in the game or making you bigger. If you collect three coins you turn into a HUGE cat that takes up nearly all of the screen.
Included are three game modes called Adventure, Rush Hour and Survival. In Adventure you are given a certain time limit and are asked to see how many stages you can beat. In each stage you are given a certain time limit to hit a certain amount of cars. If you finish before the time limit you receive a little more time on your clock and hit the next stage. The timer carries over from stage to stage so be careful. There are also bosses like a super fast ice cream truck and a ordinary car with guns on the side.  You kill these by charging your quick attack and striking them just as they reach your line of fire.
In Rush Hour mode you are once again given a certain time limit but there are no stages and the cars come at you faster than ever. So basically its your goal to score the most amount of points in the least amount of time. Its fun to rack up a high score in this mode and show off to your friends.
In Survival mode you obviously try to survive as long as you can. There is a leaderboard for this mode as well.
Also implemented into this lovely game is a goal system through which you can earn new skins for your cat. From Godzilla to a Squirrel costume its always fun to see what costume you are going to unlock next. This system serves as a great motivating factor to keep you playing which it certainly made me do!

Overall this is a great cat-themed game that not only has charm but has the addictiveness of catnip. I give this game a 5/5 stars.  Also on a unrelated note iCade support is coming to BoxCat fairly soon.
