Brilliant APKs Not Listed in Google’s Play Store

More apps and APK’s in locations where most of us never think to look. Most of us choose to just use the Play Store or Google play to find the apps we want, even though we do not always seem to find what we are looking for, but have you ever considered Android APK’s? Actually, there are already exists a complete list of highly capable apps, which might just contain everything you ever wanted and/or needed to complete your standby list. Here are a few apps that are brilliant, but not available on Google play or the Play Store.
VideoMix is one of the best video streaming software options available, it offers users the capacity to stream movies and TV shows to your mobile device. Simply find the show or movie you would prefer watching and tap on it, the software will find the various options to make available for streaming and simultaneously offer a variety of compatible media players available for use. Be sure to look at the streaming copyrights for your country to ensure you do not land yourself in unwanted trouble.
Videoder is a video-ripper that offers the capacity to download from YouTube and other media platforms. The software allows users to choose various video formats, sizes, and quality up to 1080p, with MP3 formats also being an option, but these are still in Beta-testing phase, meaning they might give problems on the odd occasion.
TubeMate is very similar to Videoder and subsequently provides numerous similar options. Users will have the ability to download in various formats and video sizes from just about any video network.
The CyanogenMod installer is best for those users wanting to mod their devices. The software was briefly available on the Google app store, but subsequently received the boot off Google’s virtual shelves after only 2 weeks due to the possible encouragement of voided warranties. Google stated that the software does not fall within its regulations, which was the main reason for its removal.
The software is still available on Androids APK, allowing users to activate an ADB, which is a debugging tool allowing further modifications.