Space Tripper gets a HUGE update, Mirrors Edge goes free, EPOCH. price drop, Agimat supporters are pretty upset… and more
Dual-stick space shooters are fairly popular within the AppStore. It seems like every time I turn around, there’s another DSSS available. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because since Meteor Blitz, one of the very first games I ever bought in the AppStore, I’ve been hooked on them. Lei Cao’s War on Geometry is the most recent title at the moment, but it’s not exactly what you would expect from a game that’s set-up like a dual-stick shooter. There are no joysticks.
The racing genre on the App Store has been dominated by games like Real Racing, Asphalt, and Need For Speed. It’s time to welcome a new top dog, Mini Motor Racing. This masterpiece by the Binary Mill combines crazy arcade racing with visual glory and customization to create a truly amazing gaming experience.
If there is one thing that I would boast about Mini Motor Racing, it would have to be the aesthetics. This game is a real treat for the eyes as well as the ears. Extremely detailed cars and tracks, along with beautifully fluid menus make MMR a joy to play. The upbeat music fits perfectly with the wacky vibe and the tune has been stuck in my head for the past few days.
Controls are a huge plus as well. The gods over at the Binary Mill went all out with 4 different control methods ranging from a simple steering wheel, to a slider bar. The steering wheel has been perfect for me so far, but the other methods work just as well. Also, you can turn auto-accelerate on or off to make the experience a little more realistic. With 4 control options, there is bound to be one that will work for just about everybody.
Moving on to the heart of Mini Motor Racing, there are multiple game modes including Championship, Quick Race, and Multiplayer. Championship mode consists of a whopping 120 race career which goes from normal events to feature cups like the “Fruit Ninja Cup” and the “Holiday Cup”. Quick race works as it normally would. You can “quickly” jump right into a race and practice your skills. Multiplayer is limited to local WiFi and Bluetooth right now, but an online mode should be up and running soon.
To those who love customization, you will love Mini Motor Racing. The game has over 20 tracks to choose from, all of which are absolutely gorgeous, and 13 cars to unlock. The tracks are rather short, but they are designed to encourage rough play. You will inevitably find yourself ramming your opponents out of the way and nitro-boosting your way to first place as you zip around corners. The cars range in design, but they are all very detailed. Some upgrades that are available are nitro boosts, top speed, handling, and acceleration. Upgrades are purchased with in-game cash that is earned by winning races. The wide variety of cars and tracks adds to MMR’s long list of awesome features.
Check out the launch trailer for Mini Motor Racing. If our review didn’t get you pumped up for the game, then the trailer definitely will.
I definitely recommend picking up Mini Motor Racing. The standard and HD versions are separate, weighing in at $1.99 and $3.99 respectively.
Sci-Fi Sim Adventure. The genre’s completely new to me, but I don’t think I could have picked a better game to introduce me to the genre than DigitalFrog’s Space Frontier. Starting off, it has a great interactive tutorial that’s very easy to understand and shows you exactly what you need to know in order to make it through the game. During the tutorial, you’ll notice how much work has obviously gone into creating a great looking universe to play in, with loads of details, great object and item designs, and a fantastic atmosphere.
Each day before Christmas we will give away a promo code of an iOS game (apps in giveaway listed below) to two of the contest entrants. We will contact you through the method of contact from which you entered and deliver the promo code into your hands.
If you have won a code you still have a chance to win more throughout the Countdown.
You can enter in three different ways:
Sample Tweet- I just entered the Countdown to Christmas Promocode Giveaway from @TheAppShack!!! Enter here:
Be sure to follow our Twitter account to stay up to date on what apps are included in the giveaway and who won the latest contest.
Promo Codes you could win:
Flight Unlimited (1 codes) Universal
Commander Pixman (4 codes) iPhone only
EPOCH. (3 codes) Universal
Mage Gauntlet (2 codes) iPhone only (Universal support is coming soon)
Fargoal (5 codes) iPhone only
Saucelifter (5 codes) Universal
Phoenix(10 codes) iPhone only
Cosmic Cab (1 code) Universal
Bridge the Gap (1 code) iPhone only
Holiday Havoc (1 code) iPhone only
More apps will be added to the contest shortly
We thank our sponsors that have generously donated their codes to this awesome contest.