
Turn-Based RPG, Symphony Of Eternity, sale; $8.99 -> $0.99!

One of the best turn-based RPG titles I’ve had the pleasure of playing on my iPod has easily been Kemco’s Symphony of Eternity. Highly reminiscent of early Final Fantasy games, you’ll guide your group of heroes on their quest to find a magical weapon and fulfill their dreams and restore a broken kingdom. The story is fantastically executed, and fairly deep, and compliments the amazing upgrade/magic system which gives you books that you can equip and learn abilities from (by the end of the game, each of my characters had about 20 spells that they were able to cast). Aside from Square Enix’s Final Fantasy games on the iOS, Symphony of Eternity is my favorite turn-based RPG in the AppStore. In my humble opinion, it’s even better than FF 1 and 2. The characters will grow on you very quickly, there’s tons of exploration involved, hidden areas, great battles (if you have Alphadia, another Kemco TB-RPG for the iOS, it’s not as focused towards grinding by any means), and a very nice story with plenty of plot twists and some great English translation. For a dollar, it’s a no-brainer, Symphony of Eternity is one RPG you NEED to pick up. Even if you’re not a fan of the genre, Symphony of Eternity has all the aspects that could very well make you one. It’s also secured it’s spot in my top 10 of 2011 list. At it’s current sale price-point, it’s impossible to find another RPG of this caliber for this price. I don’t know how many other ways I can try and tell you to go and pick it up, but if you’re interested in finding out, you can check out The App Shack’s review, so go, GO NOW!! Throw down the dollar, and experience one of the best games of the year!

Symphony of Eternity

[Kemco/Kotobuki Solution Co., Ltd.]
Turn-Based RPG
$8.99 -> $0.99

Infect Them All: Vampires – 0.99 (Magic Cube)

Magic Cube’s Infect Them All holds a special spot in my heart. It was released around the time I started loosing faith in casual iOS gaming. More and more developers were diving into the IAP scene, making games that pretty much showed gamers how they were truly viewed as consumers instead of gamers or fans. Then along came Infect Them All from a company I previously hadn’t heard anything about, and I was hooked.

Now, after hours upon hours of gameplay with Infect Them All, Magic Cube’s sequel, Infect Them All: Vampires has just been released. There’s not too much of a difference between the two titles, they both include a Campaign, Infinite Campaign, Survival, and Blitz Modes, they both control the same with either tilt or virtual joystick options, can both have a whole lot of enemies on the screen at once, both have 50 Campaign levels, awesome boss battles, and more. The biggest difference you’ll notice at first is that ITA: Vampires gives your character a special ability. With your first character, you’re able to attack humans by hitting an attack button, causing your vampire to jump and slash twice in the direction you’re tilting or pressing on the joystick. After you attack humans, a reaper will appear above all of them that were in your way, and you can either let them die, or jump on them quickly to infect them, making large groups of humans easy targets.
There are also upgrades, like in the original, but this time around, there’s a few more upgrades that you’ll be able to buy, considering the special abilities that each vampire has. The upgrades this time around are set-up in branches. You’ll need to upgrade certain perks before you can upgrade others, leading to more attacks, stronger attacks, and yes, the typical more health, quicker movement, and so on. But the abilities really do add quite a bit more to the game than you would think, adding more strategy, more action, and quicker, more arcade-like gameplay.
As in the original Infect Them All, you will need to infect a certain amount of humans before Survival and Blitz Modes are unlocked; 5,000 to unlock Survival, and 7,500 for Blitz. It does seem like quite a bit, but after you get through the first couple of levels, infecting 30 humans a stage is not too hard, and much, much more (up to about 75) in the later levels, all of which are re-playable, will unlock the extra modes in no time. The two extra characters are also unlocked based on how many humans you infect. The first character unlocks at 1,000, and the second at 3.000, so you’ll have all 3 characters to play with before you unlock the extra modes, giving you adequate time to upgrade all their skills and abilities before taking on the harder modes.
Infect Them All: Vampries is supported by GameCenter and OpenFeint, having leaderboards for each of the game’s modes, and 23 achievements. Considering you can re-play levels, the main boards most gamers will be competing on will be the Survival and Blitz boards. But if you want to play and re-play levels, trying to get into the top 10 or so scores for the Campaign Mode, get ready to sink a good 40 hours into the game. At $0.99, it’s a great buy, especially if you enjoyed the original Infect Them All.

Tiny Defense Goes Free

Amid the frenzy of price drops, Tiny Defense has gone completely free as part of the Blacksmith Games Appvent Calendar.  If you don’t already own it definitely pick it up now.

Tiny Defense is a side-scrolling tower defense game with Mario-esque artwork and great gameplay.
Here’s what has been said about Tiny Defense so far:
    “Tiny Defense takes the tried and tested tower defense genre and puts it onto a 2D playing field. It works a treat and comes out as one of the very best in its class.” – 148Apps.com
      “This tactical defense game is entertaining and addictive. There is nothing not to love about it.” – AppAdvice.com
        “If you’re a fan of games like Plants vs Zombies and you’re looking to try anything with a remotely similar gameplay experience, then Tiny Defense will certainly satisfy that urge.” – TouchArcade
          “Tiny Defense is one of the first tower defense titles that I’ve played that meets up to the expectations of P vs Z.” – AppStoreArcade
            “I like it! Cute, Mario-esque graphics, PvZ gameplay, ample content.” – ArcadeLife
          Don’t pass this freebie up. Grab it now! Tiny Defense

          Finger Gravity Gets Ads and Arcade Jumper goes free!

          Keeping up with the whole spirit of the season, here’s even more freebies. Finger Gravity and Finger Gravity HD, by Wode Mobile, after just having an improved control update, which also added ads, which people who got the game for free as well as customers who already bought the game can get rid of for $0.99 – thanks for the Christmas gift! I guess if you’re going to try and make money, throwing ads into a paid app, screwing over your customers is one way to do it, though we believe it makes it harder for indie developers to sell games when gamers are constantly worried that once they buy a game, ads will be thrown into it.
          Also going free is Black Hive Media’s Universal arcade platformer, Arcade Jumper. There are some issues with this one, and it’s definitely not the best platformer in the AppStore, but for free, it is worth checking out. The developers are also fairly supportive, and are listening to everyone’s feedback on the Touch Arcade Thread, and through their contact page. So if you’re looking for another platformer to eat up some time, Arcade Jumper is a worthy download.
          [Black Hive Media]
          $1.99 -> FREE

          Corridor Fly – 0.99 (Gripati Digital Entertainment)

          Tunnel racers are fairly popular on the iDevice. The utilization of tilt controls, along with pretty simple gameplay appeals to casual and hardcore gamers alike. The most recent addition to this genre is Gripati Digital Entertainment’s Corridor Fly.

          The game does take a little bit of getting use to. You’re able to fly all around the tunnel you’ll be racing through by using the iDevice’s accelerometer controls, along with a button on the bottom left to tilt your aircraft sideways, and a button on the bottom right to use whatever power-up you might have stored. This wouldn’t normally be too hard to get acclimated to, but Corridor Fly’s collision detection seems to be more than just a tad off, and with the doors closing in on you as you try and make it through them. But usually, you’ll end up crashing without touching anything. It’s the worst when you’re basically right in the center of the tunnel, and the doors are just starting to move towards you from the sides, and your ship blows up with just the edges of the doors showing. This is even more upsetting because the trailer doesn’t really show the collision detection as being this bad.
          There’s also the issue with the IAPs. ITunes does not list them all, but here they are; 5,000 coins for $0.99, 10,000 coins for $1.99, 20,000 coins for $2.99, 30,000 coins for $3.99, Aircraft 2 is $0.99, Aircraft 3 is $1.99, and unlocking all the Aircrafts will cost you $3.99. So far, I’ve got about 20-30 coins per game. Even better? I have no idea what the coins can be used for. In the shop, there’s only options for IAPs. There’s no upgrade areas, and you can’t buy the extra ships with coins, you’ll buy them with stars that are fairly difficult to earn in-game. Another little issue, once you do finally get a star, a pop-up telling you that you earned a star comes up, and you have to hit okay. 4 times. It keeps popping up.
          Now, I guess all of this isn’t so bad. If you play the game enough, you should eventually learn how to get your ship through doors, and deal with the poor collision detection, as well as get good enough to earn enough stars to maybe unlock the ship that costs 2. But you might not even get that far. The loading screen takes, literally, a minute and a half to load on a 4th gen device. With the graphics far from being amazing, and the gameplay usually lasting about 20 seconds, most people will not sit and wait over a minute for the game to load.
          All of this seems really bad, and it kind of is. With the amount of really good tunnel racers out there, it’s hard to recommend Corridor Fly. All of these issues could be fixed in an update, and hopefully they all will, but it’s not looking promising, with no iTunes reviews, and only 34 GameCenter scores, it doesn’t look like sales will be pushing a quick update to be submitted, if at all, but if one does come, you know that we’ll keep you informed of it.

          EPOCH., Blue Libra and Fearless Ninja Updates!

          Uppercut Games amazing Unreal powered cover-based arcade shooter, EPOCH. has just received a great update. This time around, Uppercut has fixed a bunch of crashing issues, optimized performance on lower memory devices, fixed an intercept that wasn’t unlocking, and fixed a third tier health regen armor item that wasn’t working properly. This update allows for smoother performance on all devices, with all iOS versions. So those of you who were experiencing crashes on iOS 5.0.1, or just couldn’t play because of some bad lag or jitters, now you can fully experience this amazing game. If you haven’t bought EPOCH. yet, check out our review and see if it’s something you’d enjoy!
          Blue Libra, the Sci-Fi/RTS title from Orator Games just got an update today as well. Sadly, this one isn’t something to be too happy about. Orator Games has added the ‘reward’ service, Kiip to this great game. Now you’ll be bombarded with Kiip banners while you play telling you that you could win a special ‘REAL LIFE PRIZE!’… if you go to their site and register and are picked to win a special prize. These Kiip ‘rewards’, that are more like ads, are starting to pick up ground in the indie-development department. Blue Libra is the third title to implement these ads to their games, and hopefully, games with the Kiip ‘rewards’ will go straight downhill so that developers are not temped to throw the ads into their games. Oh yeah, Mission 9 had some difficulty tweaks, and the selecting a ship while zoomed out was also tweaked… yay.
          To end our updates update on a good note, the Box Shaped Games title, Fearless Ninja, has gotten it’s first update, and it’s a fairly nice one. More levels have been added, and the gameplay has been improved. The gameplay feels tighter, and more fluid. So if you haven’t checked out this great arcade title, there’s no time like the present.
          CB Labs awesome exploritory platformer, The Adventures of Timmy: Run Kitty Run, has recently gone free for a limited time. This is easily one of the best platformers I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing on the iOS, and with the recent addition of virtual buttons instead of a floating joystick, the game is now a lot easier to play. If you’re a fan of platform games, DO NOT miss this one. It’s a game that’ll stick with you for some time to come.
          Triniti Interactive’s latest release, Call Of Mini: Double Shot, is our last freebie mention of the day. In this dual-stick shoot-em-up, you’ll run around arena type levels killing as many zombies as you can. However, it’s a lot like Glu’s Gun Bros in that there’s another character helping you out. Though he’s not generally too smart, and will usually stand there while zombies attack him, he is good for taking the heat off of you for a second. If you’re a fan of dual-stick shooters, Call of Mini: Double Shot doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, but in typical Triniti Interactive fashion, it is polished, and full of IAPs, so the only way to really enjoy it is to get it while it’s free, play it for a little bit, reminisce about the games they’ve ripped off with this latest title, and then delete it. Fun-fun!

          Squids goes Universal, Crimson: Steam Pirates goes FREE, and more!

          Since the turn-based RPG, Squids, by The Game Bakers, was released, gamers have been begging for a HD iPad version of the beautiful game. Now, instead of releasing a separate build for the iPad, The Game Bakers decided to update the iPhone version, and make it UNIVERSAL. That’s right, now, you can install that original iPhone copy that you bought onto your iPad, and view the game in all of it’s amazing graphical glory, and it’s not going to cost you one penny extra! Adding to this already HUGE update, a new mission for the Halloween map has been added, Localization in Japanese, Chinese and Russian, Pearls are now won wether you win or loose a stage, you can now listen to your own music while playing, the screen rotation has been fixed, and a couple of bugs have been squashed! Now THAT, my friends, is what you can call a MASSIVE update! If you haven’t picked this one up yet, we HIGHLY recommend that you do. It’s an awesome gameplay experience that you won’t soon forget.
          Quarter Circle Punch’s recent shoot-em-up, Wonton 51, had quite a few mixed reviews. On one hand, simply put, the game is friggin awesome. On the other hand, the controls didn’t really let you experience the game how you’d want to experience it. A new game type with Auto-fire has been added, with rebalanced gameplay, and a totally separate leaderboard! Also added to the game; a new boss type with a new attack, showing up in both modes, and some fixes for iOS5 and Twitter compatibility, along with some bug fixes. So if you ended up throwing your iPod against a wall while playing Wonton 51 the first time around, now would be a great time to take a crack at it again. With the Auto-Fire mode, the game feels a lot more like a shmup, and a lot less like a game that’s being hidden under your fingers.
          OrangePixel’s GameBoy inspired platformer, Stardash, has also received an update, this time bringing gamers a whole new world with 10 great levels, a few bug fixes, and a device rotation fix! Stardash is easily one of our favorite platformers of the year, so if you haven’t checked it out yet, you really should, especially if you grew up with an original GameBoy.
          $0.99 -> FREE
          [Bungie Aerospace Corporation]
          Turn-Based Strategy
          $0.99 -> FREE
          [Perio Games]
          Side-Scrolling Beat-em-up
          $0.99 -> FREE
          [Swag Soft LLP]
          Stationary Arcade Tap-shooter
          $1.99 -> FREE
          [Cascadia Games LLC]
          $1.99 -> FREE

          [Studio Yomi]
          Tilt-controlled Platformer
          $0.99 -> FREE

          Countdown to Christmas Giveaway

          On every day before Christmas we will give away 2 promo codes of any game to all of our deserving site visitors. We will contact you through the way you entered and deliver the promo code into your hands at exactly 4:00(or later)

          You can enter in one of three ways:

          • Tweeting about the site or the contest. Include our account name in your tweet (@TheAppShack) 

          Sample Tweet – Follow @TheAppShack for your chance to win codes every day including EPOCH and Mage Gauntlet. 2 winners a day.

          • Liking us on Facebook. (Email us with the name you liked us under)
          • Emailing us at TheAppShack@gmail.com with suggestions and tips for the giveaway or the site in general.

          Be sure to follow our Twitter account to stay up to date on what apps are included in the giveaway and who won the latest contest.

          Promo Codes you could win:
          Flight Unlimited (3 codes)
          Commander Pixman (4 codes)
          EPOCH. (3 codes)
          Mage Gauntlet (2 codes)
          Fargoal (5 codes)
          Saucelifter (5 codes)
          Phoenix(10 codes)
          Cosmic Cab (1 code)
          Bridge the Gap (1 code)
          More apps will be added to the contest shortly

          Wizard Ops – 0.99 (Phyken)

          Shoot-em-ups have become a fairly popular genre within the iOS gaming crowd. Thankfully, the 3rd person rail-shooter genre hasn’t been left out of this revolution. Games like Dark Break, Denizen, ExZeus, TheMars and the more open ended Battle 3D: Robots Sky have given iOS gamers endless hours of Space Harrier type 3rd person rail-shooting excitement, though sadly, it’s far from the amount of shmups that can be found within the AppStore. Hopefully with the growing hardware, more and more 3rd person rail shooters will be developed. Until then, we can add Wizard Ops to this small list of games, developed by Phyken, you’ll guide a Wizard through 6 levels of hectic action, as well as have an endless survival level to try and play through.

          Granted, 6 levels does seem short, but the replay value is fairly high, and there’s apparently more levels coming in the future, and at the current price-point, it’s hard to get upset when the 6 levels can be played over and over again to earn more coins which let you unlock any of the 18 total weapons that you can mix and match, equipping 2 at a time, along with the endless survival level offering up hours upon hours of gameplay.
          The controls in Wizard Ops are fairly well implemented, having the player touch on the bottom of the screen in the “touch area” to control aiming and left and right movement. There are some areas where you’ll be able to move up and down as well, which is also controlled by sliding your finger along the bottom of the screen.
          Now, I’ve already said that there’s 18 weapons, but getting into them while talking about the controls is probably a good idea, because there’s quite a few of them that auto-target, but in a nice way. You won’t be able to just stand there and let these auto-target weapons go to town on all the enemies, instead, you’ll need to scroll over the enemy with your aim, in order to enable auto-targeting. Other than that, almost all of your weapons will shoot straight in-front of where your character is. There are a couple that toss out bombs, or have a spread shot, but basically, you’ll be shooting right in front of your character, and with the 3D onslaught of bullets coming your way, actually getting enough shots off to kill the enemies can sometimes be a challenge, especially in survival mode, where the difficulty ramps up fairly quickly. There will be some gamers out there who feel that the 6 regular levels are fairly easy, especially those of you who are in to bullet hell gaming, but not to worry, the survival mode has the difficulty to keep you hooked for quite some time.
          There are pick-ups in the game, with each enemy dropping a bronze, silver, or gold coin, health drops, and even some guns are dropped in-game. If you already have the gun, however, it will automatically be sold, usually for about 300 coins. A major difference with the survival mode is that there are no health drops. So along with even more hectic bullet play, and an increasing difficulty, you won’t be able to regain health, adding even more of a challenge to the endless play.
          For those of you who are worried about IAPs, and are wondering if this game’s shop is pushed towards them, you can take a deep breath, and rest easy. There’s NONE. That’s right, an out-right FULL game for $0.99. Better yet? It’s Universal! And aside from the short regular campaign time, having only 6 levels, it’s hard to even bring that up as an issue since they’re all replayable, there’s an endless survival level, and there’s more levels to come. If you’re a fan of 3rd person rail shooters, or even if you aren’t big on them, but love action filled arcade-based games, Wizard Ops is definitely a title that deserves some attention. I, for one, am really hoping that it sells well so that not only can we get the planned more content, but also see more from developer Phyken. The game looks great, plays great, has tons of action, and essentially endless replayabilty, all without any added IAPs, what’s not to like?

          The Sims, Need For Speed and more go FREE!

          December is a great time for deals in the AppStore, and to start it off right, loads of companies have thrown some awesome titles our way for free. That’s right, free. So get ready to clear up some space on your device, and check out some incredibly fun games;

          [Electronic Arts]
          $2.99 down to FREE

          [Electronic Arts]
          $4.99 down to FREE
          [Ivanovich Games]
          $0.99 down to FREE
          $0.99 down to FREE
          [Electronic Arts]
          $4.99 down to FREE

          $2.99 down to FREE
          [Renown Entertainment]
          $1.99 down to FREE

          Puzzle; Match-3
          $2.99 down to FREE
          Physics Puzzler
          $0.99 down to FREE

          Arcade; Flick
          $0.99 down to FREE

          [Venan Entertainment]
          Dual-Stick Mining Adventure
          $2.99 down to FREE

          [Venan Entertainment]
          Dual-Stick Mining Adventure
          $4.99 down to FREE

          [Venan Entertainment]
          Endless Climber
          $1.99 down to FREE

          [Venan Entertainment]
          Endless Climber
          $2.99 down to FREE

          [Patrick Gonzales]
          Physics Based Arcade Smasher
          $0.99 down to FREE

          Each one of these titles is worth picking up, though some more than others, they all have their moments, and are definitely worth checking out, especially while free. A huge thank you to all of the developers and publishers who are letting these titles go for $0.00! Can’t wait to see what else December has in store for us!