Alrighty, to start things off today, I got an e-mail from Justin, a developer of Wizard Ops, a 3rd person rail shooter, letting me know about their up-coming update, and it’s a fairly big one.
Version 1.2 will include one new level, “Deep Woods” in which you’ll search and destroy the deadly contraptions created by the factory, three, that’s right, THREE difficulty modes, with Easy being the original difficulty, being able to take 10 hits before you die, and having unlimited respawns. Medium difficulty; you can take 3 hits before you die, and you only get 5 respawns, and Hard difficulty; One shot kills you and you only get 3 respawns. So those of you who thought that Wizard Ops was a bit too easy, get ready to get your bullet dodging game on! There’s also going to be three new leaderboards for each level, split up between the three difficulties. The leaderboards that are already included in Version 1.1 will stay the same, but be renamed “Easy”. They have also included GameCenter Achievements, 10 of them, and have plans on adding more in the future.
They were also kind enough to send over a screenshot of the new level, lookin mighty nice if you ask me;
If you haven’t picked up Wizard Ops yet, we highly recommend that you do. This update is… well… FRIGGIN AWESOME! If you’d like to find out more about the game, you can
head over to our review, and see just what the game has in store for you, or you can go head and check out the
developer’s website, there’s quite a bit of info and content there, so even if you read our review, you might want to check out the site anyway.
The Version 1.2 update has already been submitted, and is waiting for approval from Apple. We’ll be posting when the update goes live, as usual, so check back, or keep an eye on your update notifications, because it should hit the store soon.
You can download Wizard Ops from the iTunes store by clicking here;
Version 1.2
*A FREE holiday-themed update for all our fans!*
• 5 new levels• A free holiday skin for Chicken Mama• Crates have been replaced by presents• Snow has fallen and covered all the levels• Various level tweaks
Version 1.0.2
• Localization for the Appstore description.
• Platforms bug fix.• New Icon• Transparent Controles
Version 1.22
Warning: Reports of a “choppy framerate” bug on iPad, especially iPad1. We’ve found the bug and submitted a new update to fix it, but it may take some time to hit the App Store
*** iPad display bugs fixed• Universal support for iPad and all iOS devices!• Flip Screen option in the Settings menu!• The View Map panel in the pause menu how has indicators showing how many notes/books you’ve found in the current level, and whether all monsters have been cleared!• Spell changes! Silence has been merged into Time Circle to create a single all-powerful buffing spell, Sword Fury and the elemental summon spells have been improved, and the less useful Lucky and Shield spells have been removed from the random spell drops, though you can still obtain a Shield by collecting hearts or overflowing spells!• Several weapons have been given new, upgraded effects and updated description text. Make sure to check them out, some were completely changed.• Rabbit’s Foot now increases the hat drop rate by five times.• Ring of the Zealot now resurrects you, once, at half health with a Sword Fury buff applied to you.• Reviving after being defeated now grants a free spell.• Save file! You can export or import your save data (in save.dat) via iTunes File Sharing to copy your unlocked items and experience points to your other devices! This also allows backing up saves to your PC.• Many level tweaks! Additional urns added to most levels. Backtrack-blocking doors removed for most levels. Many overly long levels were shortened a bit and/or had more urns added. This should improve the pacing of Story Mode.• Various bugfixes, including some achievement bugs and dialog typos.

Version 1.3
• bug fix
• SpaceShip directional operation• language localization: English
Version 1.11
• New Christmas land with reindeers and snowmen,
• New Christmas hats,• New game name
Version 1.02
Major Changes
• RAVENMARK is now Universal and will run on the iPad natively!• RAVENMARK will now autosave at the start of every Command Phase, and at the start of every dialogue scene. The game will also autosave when you exit from a battle to the Main Menu. The Continue button in the Main Menu will continue the last autosaved game.• The speed of the splash animations (during combat) is now adjustable in the Options menu. The splash animations can also be turned off, such that only damage and buff/debuff effects will be denoted after each combat instance.UI Changes• When the terrain grid is visible, it will clearly indicate all tiles which the player’s own Elements have been commanded to occupy due to Move and Wheeling commands.• When an AI-controlled Formation is selected, a new toggle is now available to switch between either displaying their movement range or displaying their attack range; the attack range will show the maximum threshold for attacking without moving, as well as attacking after a move.Gameplay Changes• Players may now give an order to Move an Element or Formation into tiles either already occupied or blocked by their own units.Bug Fixes and Optimizations• Fixed an issue where the information panel for AI-controlled units would sometimes not display.• Fixed the radial menu scale not being updated properly when centering on a unit from a zoom that is larger than the default.• Fixed dialogue errors in the cutscenes for Ravenhood mission 5, and the bug where the characters were assigned incorrect dialogue at the end of Ravenhood mission 6.• In Ravenhood missions 4 and 5, certain buildings will no longer be erroneously drawn on top of units at certain locations.• More aggressively reduce memory usage and increase FPS across the game.
**We should also mention that Ravenmark’s price will go up with every major content update from here on out. So if you’re interested in the game, now would be the BEST time to snag it!**
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