Yateland’s physics based puzzle game, Rejoin, has just been updated to include GameCenter, and has an all new scoring system! If you had the chance to read our review of this nice puzzler, you might remember that the lack of GameCenter, and lack of any scoring system were two big things we said would be great to have within the game, and here they are, adding quite a bit of replay value as well as added challenge to the game. Now’s a great time to get your hands on this interesting puzzle game.
iniGames latest shmup, Space Ship Ion, has just received it’s second update, getting one new level, along with a new boss! Definitely nice when shmups add new content, especially when it comes with a new boss.
Orange Pixel’s newest addition to the retro platformer genre, INC, has gone through it’s second update. This time, they’ve done more than bug fixing! Now, you can change the position of the virtual buttons. On the Touch Arcade thread, this was a pretty big deal for a lot of people, especially those playing the game on an iPad. The landscape rotation was also fixed, as well as moving the pause button to the top of the screen, and of course, some bug fixing with the touch input on the level select screens. For those of you who were waiting for some changeable controls, now would be the time to pick up this gem.
Bonpeach, the developer of the fantastic arcade game, Explodables, where you tap on rockets in a certain order to get bonus items and score HUGE points, has just updated this great game with an all new ENDLESS MODE, as well as adding a new Rainbow Frenzy, and streamlining the tutorial into the Endless Mode (which you can turn off in the options). Now the game is easier to understand, and more fun to play. Be sure to check out our Twitter page, in the near near future, for info on how you can snag an Explodables Promo Code!

HotGen’s two titles, Spacelings, and the ever so popular To-Fu: The Trials of Chi, recently had their Free Ad-filled versions pulled from the AppStore. You might be asking yourself why? Well if you’ve updated already, you know the answer, and chances are, you’re not too happy about it.
Spacelings and To-Fu, both paid versions, have been made FREE and have had ADs thrown into them. Not only were ads thrown into both paid versions of these games, but the developers decided to hide the fact by saying that the update was for “iOS5 computability fixes”, and gamers could not be more upset. After the update, their ratings for To-Fu dropped from 4 1/2 stars down to 2 1/2. The developers have also been deleting FaceBook posts asking them about the updates, as well as not responding to their paying customers e-mails, as well as dropping off the face of Touch Arcade, which they were very active on before essentially stealing money from their customers (that’s what they did, right? Offering a paid version next to a free ad filled version, then pulling the ad filled version, and putting the ads into the paid version, then making the paid version free. Gamers had the option to pick up the free version, but instead, they opted to pay for the game, and in return, got the free version. Unless we’re missing something here, that’s essentially stealing).
You can voice your opinion on their FaceBook page, but they’ll just delete it. So go ahead, give the games a 1 star rating in the AppStore, and delete the games on your device. They don’t run like they use to anyway, having constant crashes, skewed gameplay, and the games are now stretched out to make room for the HUGE ads on the bottom of the screen. Watch out for To-Fu 2 to be updated in the near future as well, and keep HotGen on your DO NOT BUY FROM list. They seem to have gone CRAZY stupid.