Share Youtube Videos to Your Smart TV


Youtube has been around for a while now and has made it easier to find videos and enjoy fantastic quality, but did you know you can share these videos directly from your smartphone to your smart tv within seconds?

The latest app for all smartphones provides a sharing feature that can be linked up with gaming consoles such as Xbox and Playstation or with smart TVs.

We’ve all experienced how annoying it can be to reach for a video using the on-screen keyboard and remote to navigate to each letter, especially when the video has a long name or you doing multiple searching one after another.


Youtube on smartphones has been great and almost easier than using a PC to search for the best and latest videos. With the app users have the ability to log into their accounts and access their previously viewed videos, recommended and subscribed channels, making it much easier to access everything on one screen. The app is 100% free and allows all types of new features to be accessed.

One of these functions is the smart share option. This option is is displayed above each video played, allowing users to share videos instantly to their media devices. Tapping on this share icon will pause the program currently shown and automatically open the Youtube app on the TV. The video selected will automatically be loaded and played as per your request.

Users then have the option of playing following videos by using the remote or still using the mobile device. Both controls will allow fast forward, rewind or seek to a particular part of the video. The mobile app also provides the ability to minimize the video currently played, allowing users to search for another video or just browse through while the current is played on the TV or gaming console.

The app is available on most devices, including iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, and more. Tablets can also connect with these devices and offer the same options. To allow these devices to connect, ensure they are on the same network. Access the app on a mobile device and hit the share button (looks like a screen and Wi-Fi signal bars). The app will automatically search for available devices and display them on your screen. Choose one and enjoy the videos.

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