Tweetbot 4 integrates a number of new Twitter features into its brilliant new interface and best of all delivers its new package to the long neglected iPad as well as iPhones.
The new Tweetbot 4 beta delivers very similar yet it totally different air of competence that was lent from its predecessor to iPhones after Twitter purchased and totally destroyed Tweetie, which in itself quickly treated the deadly wounds displayed by Twitter without breaking its stride. Their new app deserves great accolade for its ability to perfectly capture the essential Tweetie ambiance, while Twitter’s official app sported a convoluted difficult to use interface which the company ignored and felt improve or continuously adding new features, some of which were quite compelling.
The newly iOS focused Tweetbot 4 toward filling the gap left by the sad departure of Tweetie, whilst maintaining the essence of what originally made the app such a compelling experience. Aside from the new iPad integration its biggest new offering must be the interactions that gives its users a list-based as well as graphical view of the day’s activities and statistics, its users will in addition be able to view re-tweets, followers, as well as favourites.
The new stat feature will be a boon for analytics geeks, with its capacity to provide colourful and clean data visualisations that strikes a well-balanced pose between trend and details. An Activity tab displays exactly what it describes telling you who’s done what thereby informing its users of any feedback or actions on their own tweets, which will also identify the respondent and the response time and date. The live blue and yellow link bars underneath each tweet provides a whole host of extremely handy interactive shortcut features at item level. It users can now also enjoy viewing their own activities via its profile view, in addition it also offers numerous customisable features that allows its users to set up its display to visually represent exactly what they wish to instantly see.
Tweetbot owners will now be able to upgrade to Tweetbot 44 only $4.99, which will only continue until the end of the promotional period where-after it will be available at $9.99. However, wise Tweetbot users can upgrade but only paying the difference between your old and new price if they use their bundles intelligently.