The influx of thousands of new apps into Apple Store on a daily basis creates a daily opportunity to reap improved functionality over apps that have been serving well over years, but have been surpassed by newer fresh ideas. IOS users will do well to give careful consideration to the new apps listed below.
Mytape offers iOS users a new look at social video functionality that allows its users to shoot their amazing videos, and follow people, as well as watch other users shoots of what’s happening around your location. After opening the app, tap its white record button, then tap once more to share your newly recorded video via a multitude of social sites that include Twitter, Facebook, Windows Messenger, WhatsApp, and a number of others. Similar to Meerkat or Periscope, MyTape notifies all your followers whenever you are recording any new video material, in order for them to be able to post their comments in real time.
Begroupd is an alternative iOS instant messaging app that endeavours to make it simpler to organize activities and plans for your social meetings with family members and friends, and even enjoys personal endorsement from social luminary Khloe Kardashian. Over and above all its standard texting functions one would be expecting from Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp users can poll their friends to ask yes and no questions and collect event RSVPs.
Donde a fashion conscious iOS shopping app, because shopping for fashionable clothing presents a massive pain, especially for someone requiring something very specific. That is where Donde’s Fashion app will assist you by searching through millions of items from over 6,000 brands , with the use of visual filters that allows for specific clothing types, desired colours, or length, and even patterns, within a specified price range or even a set price. It features a visual search indexing tool that utilises no keywords, instead, it makes use of images to assist in finding a specific look its user requires making the process much quicker than driving store to store, or even Internet shopping.